Useful information

Useful information

Room, Wifi, …

Room on the Campus
You can book a room on the Campus (100 meters to the workshop)
Price of the stay by night : 11 €
When you arrive at ENSTA, you have a guardian.
There, you ask for your room and he will give you the keys.
You need to bring your towel, soap, …
Hopefully bed sheets are provided.
In case of problem, you can call me: +33 (0)6 82 99 00 41.

Pick up at the airport:
Tuesday, june 4,
11: 30. Francisco Rego. Validated.
16:50 : Stefan Ratschan. Validated.
Milan Hladík.
Jarda Horacek.

Drop at the airport.
Friday 17h35. Francisco Rego. Validated.

Procedure to be connected by Wifi during the workshop